What’s the point?

The other day I went to this exhibition with a friend. She told me she’d read some of my journal pieces and caught glimpses of the real me in them, but she also said I sounded too formal sometimes, like the real “me” was hidden. She said, “Write less, more often, less guarded, more you”. So, here I am, giving it a shot.  I’m trying not to overthink or analyse, just writing about what’s happening in my life as an artist, designer, mum, wife, friend or just as a regular person without all those labels.

So what’s the point to this journal entry? Well, there isn’t one. This is purely for me. This is to get me started. If you want to change something, you can only do it by starting - so that’s what I’m doing. I don’t even expect anyone to read this as it’s a stream of conciousness about nothing! Just letting my thoughts roam freely, no particular focus, just a jumble of ideas flowing through my mind without any specific direction or purpose - with the aim of writing more often, with no pressure to shed light on a topic or reveal some deep insights into world issues. 

That’s it for today. It’s been difficult to write so openly about nothing, but I’ve done it.


Little by little


Stamp of a creator’s whimsy